Akamai Cloudlets (v3)

This page provides reference information about how bossman commands relate to Akamai Cloudlets management.


Only the cloudlets supported by the Akamai Cloudlets v3 API are currently supported by this plugin. The complete list of supported cloudlets is on developer.akamai.com. Please feel free to open a GitHub issue if your use case requires another Cloudlet.

Resource Configuration

  - module: bossman.plugins.akamai.cloudlet_v3
    pattern: akamai/cloudlets/{name}
      edgerc: ~/.edgerc
      section: default
      #env_prefix: ""
      #account_key: xyz

The above are the default values, applied even if the .bossman configuration file is not present. You only need to configure if you need to depart from the defaults.

With these defaults, Bossman will look for folders under akamai/cloudlet and treat them as Akamai Property configurations. The {name} placeholder is required and defines the name of the property to be managed.


The name may only have letters, numbers, and underscores. This is stricter than may be allowed by your filesystem implementation.

It is also possible to pass values from the environment. Please refer to Akamai Property for more information on this topic.

The next section details the structure of the resource, the files Bossman expects to find within the property configuration folder.

Resource Structure

An Akamai cloudlet is composed of one file, policy.json, which describes both the necessary metadata for managing the policy, and for managing the rules that apply when the cloudlet is invoked.

The schema of this file is custom to bossman and cannot be reused in a direct API call.

  "cloudletType": "ER",
  "description": "Main redirect rules",
  "groupId": 200128,
  "matchRules": [
        "matchURL": "/images/*",
        "name": "Redirect images",
        "redirectURL": "/static/images4/*",
        "statusCode": 302,
        "type": "erMatchRule",
        "useIncomingQueryString": true,
        "useRelativeUrl": "relative_url"

The following top-level fields belong to the Policy data object, you will find their documentation there:

  • cloudletType

  • description

  • groupId

The matchRules top-level field defines the actual logic and is specified on the Policy Version data object.

Usage Notes

Because cloudlets have a very similar lifecycle to Akamai properties, please refer to Akamai Property for any details about how the different Bossman commands relate to Cloudlets.