Akamai EdgeHostname

This page provides reference information about how bossman commands relate to Akamai Edge Hostname management.

Resource Configuration

  - module: bossman.plugins.akamai.edgehostname
    pattern: akamai/edgehostname/{name}.json
      edgerc: ~/.edgerc
      section: default
      #env_prefix: ""
      #account_key: xyz

The above are the default values, applied even if the .bossman configuration file is not present. You only need to configure if you need to depart from the defaults.

With these defaults, Bossman will look for files matching akamai/edgehostname/{name}.json and treat them as Akamai Edge Hostname definitions. The {name} placeholder is arbitrary and doesn’t have any particular meaning, although it is recommended to use the Edge Hostname itself since it is guaranteed to be unique.

It is also possible to pass values from the environment. Please refer to Akamai Property for more information on this topic.

The next section details the structure of the resource, the files Bossman expects to find within the property configuration folder.

Resource Structure

An Akamai EdgeHostname is composed of a single JSON file with the following structure:

  "contractId": "ctr_C-1ED34DY",
  "groupId": "grp_101216",
  "edgeHostname": {
    "domainPrefix": "example.com",
    "domainSuffix": "edgekey.net",
    "ipVersionBehavior": "IPV6_COMPLIANCE",
    "productId": "SPM",
    "secureNetwork": "ENHANCED_TLS",
    "certEnrollmentId": 144436

The documentation for the Create a new edge hostname PAPI endpoint describes the fields.

Note that:

  • certEnrollmentId should only be provided if secureNetwork is ENHANCED_TLS

  • Only the fields in the JSON example above are supported by bossman

bossman status [-e|--exact-match] [glob*]


bossman apply [--force] [--dry-run] [--since=commit] [-e|--exact-match] [glob*]

Will create the Edge Hostname if required. Any subsequent commit affecting the Edge Hostname JSON file might cause bossman to output an apply result, but in reality it will have no effect.

bossman (pre)release [--rev HEAD] [-e|--exact-match] [glob*]

These commands have no effect since an Edge Hostname is not a versioned resource. Once applied, the changes are effective on all networks.